Instructions for using the instructors' web site. 10/02/03 All instructors need to sign up first. Use your flight instructor number for the user name and make up your own password. Fill out the form as completely as you can. When you have completed the initial registration, you will have access to the instructor web. However, you must go to your assistant chief flight instructor with your certificates for him to complete the rest of the company registration. After signing in on the instructor web, there are five tabs to navigate with and a site outline to help in getting around. There is also a comments page for you to make any comments about the web site or American Flyers. Please use this form to help us improve this web which in turn will help all that use it. Clicking on the: tab takes you back to the americanflyers.net home page. Most of the information on this web is either new or has been revised recently so please navigate through the entire site and read all information even if it looks familiar. New instructors should start on the General Standardization page with the New Instructor link. This link takes you to a page with letters from Monty Montgomery and Clark McCormack. These letters will give you insight as to what American Flyers is about. When you have read both letters continue with Initial Standardization. On the General Standardization page there are several links to standardization information that you must study. Your assistant chief instructor may give you a specific order in which to study, but if not, the order is up to you. There is a required test that you must take and pass before you are allowed to teach at American Flyers. |